Research Supports the Benefits of Increasing US Immigration

Research Supports the Benefits of Increasing US Immigration

New research shows that increased U.S. immigration is a good thing. Allowing more immigrants into the country will boost the population, compensate for an aging workforce and better address government entitlement programs. A study for the National Immigration Forum said the population of the United States is aging dramatically. The report suggests fertility rates are falling, baby boomers are at retirement age, life expectancy is on the rise, and net U.S. immigration levels are not at a point to keep pace.

The U.S. Census reported nearly one-fourth of Americans will be 65 or older by 2060. That will put 94.7 million people over 65, which is double the number right now. With the overall population growing at a slower pace than in over 100 years, many positions will be left unfilled in essential sectors such as health care, information technology, and agriculture.

If you are considering relocating to the United States for a better life experience, contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri today. Their team of professionals will walk you through the immigration stages and inform you about which options you have.


Even though the Biden administration is being criticized for its immigration policies, a charitable welcome to migrants is more than a generous act. It is clearly a solution to a demographic challenge that could spiral the nation’s economy if left unchecked. It is imperative to recruit and integrate skilled immigrants so the country can beat back socioeconomic angst and thrive for years to come. A 37 percent increase in net immigration levels will stop the United States from falling into a demographic deficit.

Contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri today and begin the immigration process!

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