America Has New President Who Supports US Immigration

America Has New President Who Supports US Immigration

Just hours after becoming the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden reversed the US immigration policies put in place by Donald Trump. He exercised executive action, setting a very different tone from the previous administration. The new president had a list of immigration actions ready for his first day in his new office, including the layout of a US immigration reform bill, providing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Executive actions were used by Biden to cancel Trump’s attempt to remove undocumented people from the census, ended the travel ban, removed his policy that eliminated deportation priorities, and even ended an emergency declaration by Trump used to move funds to build the wall on the US-Mexico border.

Now is the time to consider immigration to the United States. Contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri today for help applying for the required visa to live and work in the US. 

Abd Goc Hizmetleri: Kamal Essaheb

President Biden also issued a presidential memo to underline the support of his administration for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The program allows anyone brought to the US as a child without legal papers to temporarily get work visas and not be deported. In 2017, Trump ended DACA, but the decision brought many legal challenges and was rejected by the Supreme Court. Some of the nation’s most influential US immigration advocacy groups praised the Biden administration for taking action on these significant issues. Kamal Essaheb of the National Immigration Law Center said, “Today marks a new day for our country.” Living as an immigrant in the United States has never been better! Contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri today and begin the path to a better life!

Now is the time to consider immigration to the United States. Contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri today for help applying for the required visa to live and work in the US. 

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