Investments by US Small Business Owners Indicate Optimism

Investments by US Small Business Owners Indicate Optimism

The efforts of the United States frontline healthcare workers during the global pandemic have been inspirational

But another group that isn’t as highlighted is the country’s small business owners. In the middle of the health crisis and many restrictions, restaurateurs have changed menus, built outdoor eating areas, and added delivery services. An immeasurable number of retailers have gone to online sales, and established companies have managed to stay open with all of their employees working from home. Plastics companies, construction teams, and makers of essential products have worked overtime to fill demands. Startup applications are at a record high. The opportunities are endless in the United States.

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Even during the worst recession the U.S. has seen in recent history, small business optimism has been and continues to remain strong. With a new president, small business owners have hope and confidence in the future. The latest release of the National Federation of Independent Business’ Small Business Optimism index reported the optimism is at historically high levels. It is much higher than during the Obama administration. Small businesses are growing, making money, and investing.

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Contact ABD Göç Hizmetleri for help applying for the required visa to live and work in the United States. They have a very knowledgeable team that understands the challenges of U.S. immigration.

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